We believe that St Laurence's Catholic Church and John Di Fede FDF Receptions are both very beautiful wedding venues. Andrew and Donna have chosen these 2 venues for their wedding. It is actually a privilege to be their wedding photographer because with these venues, you can't go wrong. JDF Receptions has one of the most sensation decorations and lightings. It makes it really easy for most Adelaide Wedding Photographers.
We really enjoyed photographing their wedding. Aside from being a very nice couple, they are also very easy to work with and have a super fun bridal party. They are so many things that we love about this wedding. The details of this wedding including dress, car, cake etc went so well together.
Andrew and Donna's wedding was at the end of February. Everyone in Adelaide would know that is one of the most exciting times here. It is Adelaide Fringe Festival.
The atmosphere is just magnificent. There are thousands of artists from all around the world who gather here in Adelaide. There is just so much to see and do. One of the best and most popular events would be the Fringe Illuminations. During this period, the historical buildings along North Terrace are lit up and transformed into canvases of light. We did not want to miss this opportunity and we have suggested to Andrew and Donna to have some night photography. We were so excited when they told us that they were keen to go ahead with the idea! We have posted in this blog one of many beautiful photos taken in front of the buildings.
If you love night photography as much as we do, contact us to discuss more about your idea. We are open to suggestions and keen to try out new and exciting photography challenges.
As you may have seen from our Adelaide Wedding Photography webpage on Contemporary Art pieces, this something new which we have created in the last year or so. It is special and it's a great representation of your wedding day. Each Art piece is unique and personalised.
This specific Art piece (shown below) is created using the bridal party as the circular chandelier above the bride and groom. The chandeliers are formed by bridesmaids and groomsmen having fun during the actual wedding day. Prizes: 2 solid Silver with Distinction in 2016.
If you are still looking for Adelaide wedding photographers with unique skills, look no further than Scott Goh Photography. Feel free to contact us now to cater for a package to suit your needs.

Check out more of our blog below
This is part 2 of our photo location post. As professional wedding photographers in Adelaide, we are always asked about photo locations. Will you be wanting your wedding photos taken in these beautiful locations?
As professional wedding photographers in Adelaide, we are always asked about photo locations. With this post, we are sharing our the top 10 buildings within the Adelaide CBD.
The superb views of Adelaide botanic gardens and Krystal function centre are the best choice for the wedding functions. Let us celebrate and rejoice to the marriage of Matthew and Veronica.
Need to find the perfect wedding photographer in Adelaide? Take a look at our guide and learn how to filter through the choices and find the best photographer for your special day.